BIRTH CENTER- now open!
Please learn more about freestanding birthcenters at:
At Full Circle BirthCenter, we individualize your birth experience. Freestanding Birth Center care (not in a hospital) is the model that best demonstrates a low cesarean birth rate (8%) and few medical interventions. (See the 2013 Birth Center study.) We are fully accredited with the CABC, which is a nationally accredited facility focused on safety and on your wishes. Admission to the Birth Center while you are in labor is smooth and natural because Full Circle staff already knows you.
The Birth Center model of care includes labor, delivery and discharge to home 4-6 hours after birth. This early discharge works because of our in-home follow up care (24 hrs post birth) that fulfills our model. We want you to feel completely confident in your new role as a parent. Full Circle will also provide your newborn with all of the tests and medications that the State of MN and the CDC recommend and we pledge to be close-at-hand for you and baby throughout the recovery process. If a transfer of care is required, we will work with the hospital team and the newborn specialists to acquire the best and safest care for you and your newborn. We then provide 2 week/6 week postpartum care in the clinic to assure you and your family are adjusting well.
Preparing for labor during pregnancy by learning mind/body connectedness can be accomplished using a wide variety of methods. Some that we find to be highly effective include: yoga, prayer, progressive relaxation, hypnosis, meditation and relaxation breathing.
Movement during labor is very important as it is your movement that will help the baby move into the proper position. The ability to squat, lunge, walk, reach and lie on your side to relax, serve you well in labor and promote progress as well as comfort. Often this is challenging but your midwives have the skill and language needed to help guide you through the process and teach you as your unique labor unfolds.
The uterus being a muscle does its work by contracting and relaxing in a regular and increasingly intense rhythm. It is work indeed! Nourishment and fluid intake are necessary when any muscle is working effectively and efficiently and we strongly encourage eating and drinking quality foods in labor. Eating a comfort meal soon after your birth is additionally effective in promoting your recovery and sets you up for breastfeeding success.
Here is a video which describes the use of sterile water injection in labor. This is a very safe and minimally invasive procedure that we can use at Full Circle. (Though it does “smart” initially, it can provide up to 2 hours of back relief).
Water in labor is very effective in promoting relaxation and therefore reducing the intensity of labor. We are skilled and experienced providers of natural waterbirth: waterbirth safety. (If you call your insurance company asking if they cover waterbirth, they will likely tell you “no”. However, we bill traditional charges for ‘delivery’ even if you have a waterbirth.